Ed Platte and Steve Schneider
WCS Legacy Donors and Environmental Advocates

Ed Platte and husband Steve Schneider

Ed Platte and husband Steve Schneider have become more and more alarmed about the plight of wildlife and our planet. “As we’ve seen wild habitat disappearing, and increased effects of global warming—especially more numerous and intense wildfires—we knew we needed to consider a lasting gift that would make a true impact.”

Ed and Steve first learned about WCS through watching THE ZOO on Animal Planet. Being animal lovers themselves, the devotion that our keepers and health experts show to the resident animals at WCS zoos and aquarium struck a chord. “The level of care that the veterinarians provide is really remarkable,” says Steve. “The expertise and resources marshalled around their health and well-being means a lot to us.”

Once they also learned about the breadth of WCS’s global conservation work, the choice was easy: Ed and Steve decided to include WCS as a beneficiary of their trust, confident that it would be good investment for the future. “The longevity and sophistication of WCS’s programs around the world are unique,” Ed stated. “While the challenges are endless, we know that WCS uses a science-based approach to focus on the most critical wild areas and animal species. We are happy knowing that our gift will help sustain this work for decades to come.”

“Through WCS’s work we have come to realize that everything is connected. The health of animals, habitats, and people are intertwined and depend on one another.” 

Ed Platte and Steve Schneider


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